1 Year Later

It has been one year since I got my sacroiliac joint fusion surgery, so I thought it only fair to give you all an update. Here’s what has improved since I got my operation: NOTHING. This procedure did absolutely nothing to quell my discomfort. It didn’t even change my pain whatsoever. What it did do […]

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Shoulder Update

Over the past few months, my shoulder issues have gotten worse, to the point where my upper back is now being greatly affected. It has gotten so bad that I can hardly use my dominant arm without pain, and must use a heating pad multiple times per day. I have also been using tiger balm […]

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Body in hyperdrive

It started with an accidental finding on a CT scan: a nodule on my left thyroid gland. I followed up with my PCP and got an ultrasound. Lo and behold, there’s more than one. So, I get a blood test done, however at this point, I’m sure it’s nothing — even though thyroid disorder runs […]

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I hate when people wave off bullying and say that the child/teen won’t remember one day. That’s not true. That shit stays with you. It haunts you. It makes it so that when you don’t feel confident looking in the mirror, it’s their voice inside your head. It shapes who you are, how you treat […]

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A lot to shoulder

In November 2011, I was rounding a corner and *WHOOP* slipped on the freshly mopped floor. My armpit caught the edge of the counter and the force threw my arm up, over my head. I felt a rip and pain seared through my side. The first thing I notice after I hit the ground is […]

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Twisted Cyster

My spine is riddled with issues. Issues which will only get worse over time. Issues caused by the lovely disorder that has taken over my life (EDS). Scoliosis? Check. Bulging discs? Check. Spinal stenosis? Check. Backwards neck? Check. Hemangioma? Check. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction? Check. But today we’re going to talk about one problem in particular: […]

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The Nightmare

The lights almost blind me, magnified by the blur of tears pooling in my eyes. The nurses on either side of me look terrified as they wheel my gurney down the hall. They attempt to treat the situation strategically, methodically, ordering tests and injections and guessing at the most likely cause for what is happening. […]

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When you’re in horrible pain, you get desperate. You want whatever help is being offered, even if it’s questionable or scary, because you just want the pain to stop. I know that feeling all too well. Over and over again throughout my life I have been that afraid, that desperate. Most recently, this happened when […]

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A Strange Paradox

Have you ever heard of paradoxical effect? I hadn’t until it happened to me. It is when a person has a reaction to a medication that is opposite of what the drug is meant to treat. For example, taking a pain pill that ends up causing you pain. Yup, fun right? Let me tell you […]

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Not very handy

Once in a while, I noticed that my hands would be sore and feel swollen or stiff. No big deal, right? I probably did too much with them or maybe it’s just part of my flare-up. Automatically, I’d write it off as odd, but ultimately unconcerning. The thing is… it kept happening and I had […]

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